May 23, 2008

I'm joining the circus!

I have never wanted to run away to the circus. Run away to an enchanted island..sure. Run away to some remote house on the beach that seeps of character and just calls me to write a novel..of course. But never the circus...well I think I have joined one unintentionally. I am a....Juggler. Like so many other moms are. I now find myself juggling more than ever. With out house newly on the market I am juggling the extra housework, the cooking, the entertaining of two hot and bored kids, the lesson planning,the exercising,the church going, the errand many balls in the air at once. Not that I'm completely complaining. The balls are bright and vibrant in color and my mind enjoys the challenge of it all. But sometimes I let the stress seep in and when I do I drop one of the beautiful colored balls. Good thing though...these balls don't break they bounce and can be picked up again. So if you find yourself in a brightly colored tent throwing colored balls in the air..don't feak out; you are not alone. Keep smiling and practicing and remember if they drop they won't break. And I guess if I don't make it as a juggler I could always be a clown.

Thanks for stopping by.

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