September 22, 2007

Hazel"nut" Academy

Family: Myself, my husband of 10 years (lets call him Papa Bear), my daughter 6 (lets call her Princess Poodle) and my son 3 (lets call him Triple H).

Hazelnut Academy: This is our first year homeschooling officially. We homeschooled Princess Poodle for two years of PreK. This year she is Kindergarten. We are using The Well Trained Mind, Sing Spell Read Write, Saxon Math, and Story of the World: Ancients. She attends a private school one day a week for Music and Art. We also have a book club that meets once a month. I am still trying to determine what to call our type of schooling. I am still finding my way. Right now we are Christian, Classical, with a little bit of "I have no idea what I'm doing"!

Our mission: To raise children who will love and fear the Lord, to be a family that is happy and a good example of Christ's love, and for me to continue to find that simple truth and simple love go very far in this life and to pass this on to my kids.


Hen Jen said...

Princess Poodle, love it- that is one I haven't heard of yet. Triple H, now I am going to be trying to figure that the last H of course.

If you go to your profile and list your blog under the "blogs" section, then when you comment on other blogs and someone clicks on your name on the comment, they will get sent to your profile and then they can click your blog and go to your blog.

Have a great week,
much grace and peace to you

Jenileigh said...

Love the name! Welcome to the blogging world! You look like a pro and I look forward to reading more about your homeschooling adventures.

We are using Sing Spell Read and Write also and just LOVE it!

God Bless!