November 5, 2007

A Look Back: Hazel"nut" Academy Week 14

Some highlights from our week:

Language Arts: This week in phonics we are working on words that end with "ed". Some of them have the "t" sound others the "d" sound. Princess Poodle is having a hard time distinguishing these two different sounds and it is hard to do. This needs a bit more work. We are spelling short u words this week and continued to read in her readers. I do not think we will make it to the end of Sing Spell Read Write this year. There are 36 steps and I think we will make it to around Step 28. What to do? I guess I could continue some over our summer break. I have curriculum picked out for next year and would like to be done with SSRW. Hmmm? I guess I will keep going and when we do finish we will start First Language Lessons then not worrying about what month it is. Princess Poodle took an assessment of Reader 8 including word recognition, word vocabulary, sentence comprehension, and story comprehension; she made a 100%...way to go Princess Poodle!

Math: We started telling time to the hour which Princess Poodle already knows how to do. She also started counting by two's along with her 10's.

History: This week I combined the Middle and New Kingdoms of Ancient Egypt. Princess Poodle is only in Kindergarten and I think this will be ok. We did our map work, looked up pictures of King Tut's mummy and sarcophagus on the internet, read Temple Cat which she dictated a summary for, and made gold jewerly. She also did her copywork and coloring page for these chapters. I am really ready to move on to Ancient Greece and all that will come with it. I plan on spending alot of time there so I will be combining or skipping (I know I'm horrible) a few chapters to fit it all in before the summer. There is a reason for my madness but I won't take the time to go into it now.

Autumn Project: On Monday I took the kids out and let them use my digital camera to take their very own pictures of the changing leaves here in GA. We printed them out and they got to make a collage/project page with them. Princess Poodle wrote a poem to go along with hers.

We are finishing up our read aloud of The Campout Mystery for our next book club meeting. Ms. Karrie will be having us all to her house soon for a book club meeting in a tentwith a campfire and everything. We can't wait. And I must say that Princess Poodle LOVES a mystery! We are almost finished with the book and have had many! discussions about who is causing all the mysterious things to happen at the campsite. I really like reading a chapter book with my kids so we can have this to share and discuss. I recommend it to anyone homeschooling or not!

It has been a good week at Hazel"nut" Academy. We usually take Fridays off but needed Friday morning to take assessments and do some extra reading. The weekend ahead looks beautiful with sunshine and temps in the 60's. This weekends project: to paint the bonus room a neutral color. We are attempting to get the house ready to go on the market by February. I'm excited but nervous about the change. Our home has been our home for three years and I have enjoyed seeing my kids grow here. I cling to things in search of stability I think. But I also know that with each new open door God brings new life, new people, and new ways of experiencing Him. I'm trying to be open to the idea of selling. We would like a house with one more bedroom for our precious daughter from China....still uncertain of when she will join the family. Have a great weekend and thanks for stopping by.

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