March 30, 2008

History Projects, Musicals and More

We are still having school. Its just all over the place and a bit more random than I would like. Last week Princess Poodle spent all week in practice for her co-ops musical The Sermon on the Mound. I must give a shout out to all the moms I know that get up every morning, shower, and get their kids to school on time. Although our days here at home are planned and accomplish alot I have the joy of being able to stay in my jammies if I want to, letting the kids sleep in if they were out late, and the joy of saving so much gas money! Princess Poodle has also completed her first ever history project. She entitled it The Great Nile of Egypt. I read to her from three informational sources. She orally narrated back to me what she learned. I wrote each of her sentences word for word onto individual index cards. She had to put them in the order she thought would work best and copy them in her own handwriting. She did an amazing job and the report is a little over a page. She also did all the cutting, pasting, coloring etc. on her display board. I am very proud of how much effort she put into this project and she is only in Kinder. I will post pics of the project and paper as soon as I get a chance. This week we must make up some ground in math in order to finish at the end of April. Her reading amazes me each day and she pushes herself to read books that are on a 4th grade level. Of course she needs help with alot of words. I provide her with books on a 2nd grade level to aid in her fluency but she wants to read the books I have read aloud to them. Princess Poodle has great big vision for such a young person. She is just learning to write but has "started" what she says is a chapter book. She wants to play the piano like the great ones and dance like ballarinas that have been dancing for years. I hope I can help her see that the small steps of daily practice and discipline will pay off in her one day being able to reach her dreams and visions. Maybe a short story would be a better place to start that a 10 chapter book. I will pray about how to teach her this without crushing her spirit.

Triple H sounded out his first three letter word the other day. C A T ...he made all three sounds but couldn't blend them ..he's only 3. But I am proud of how well he is retaining his letter sounds. Next year will be a reinforcement of what he has learned this year and I will let his skill be the determining factor in how far he goes. This week..Letter M...Monkeys jumping on the bed...and you can bet we will be acting this one out.

So I am off to plan out the remaining chapters of Story of the World...Julius Caesar is next. We need to go on a nature walk this week and draw the signs of spring.
Oh and I just ordered some books for next year, science/nature study and history. Some are for the kids and some are for me. I can't wait until they get here. I am going to spend my spring reading The Nature study Handbook which is highly praised. I can't wait to see how God uses our nature studies to tune us in to not only His creation but even more importantly in to Him...the Creator of all things. Oh how I hope that my kids will learn observation skills, listening skills, even facts on how nature works from our nature studies but most importantly I pray they see me praising the Creator, our Savior, and they take away this as there fondest memory and most important lesson learned on our many adventures outdoors.

Have a wonderful blessed week and thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

JoJo said...

I am so proud of you!!! I am so proud of the accomplished teacher you have become. I am always so impressed with your blog. Triple H looks just like his Daddy in that picture. I love the pictures of Princess Poodle. You have such an eye for photography. Your very proud sis, JoJo