March 8, 2008

Mission: General Plan for Next Year: Complete!!!

I'm done. I have ordered the curriculum. I have made many lists and then scratched those out and made new ones. I have registered Princess Poodle for co-op classes. Now I can put my energy into the next two and a half months of this year and then use May and June to organize and plan for next year. Here is layout with curriculum and hopeful general schedule. I reserve the right to freak out, change course, drop something, (not add something, I can't handle more than this)or slow way down as necessary. Let me know what you think please!

First Grade for Princess Poodle:
Math: Saxon 2 : 4 lessons a week
Language Arts: Language Lessons for the Very Young (copywork, picture study, narration, poetry memorization, basic grammar)4 lessons a week
Independent Reading, Read Alouds (from history or pleasure)
History: SOTW 3: 2 days a week:read chapters at home, maps and projects at co-op, home emphasis on Early American History with living books
Science:1 day a week at co-op,Kingfisher First Encylopedia of Animals, Animal fact
sheets/illustrations, Nature Study with Journal, 1 day a week
Art: Art class at co-op 1 day a week, Artistic Pursuits Book One:
on Fridays
Music: music class at co-op 1 day a week
Bible: dh is supposed to cover this one with Awana and other materials

Triple H: Prek4 (will have another year of preK before officially Kinder)

Language Lessons for LIttle Ones
Explode the Code: Get Ready for the Code<
/strong>Handwriting Sheets from Sing Spell Read Write Kinder level
Sit in with sister on History, Science, and Art

Bible: Cubbies at church

General Yearly Plan:
July: School starts, ease in covering math, L.A. and Science
August: math, LA, Science, Art
September: math, LA, Science, Art, History: Explorers, Bible
October: math, LA, Science, Art, History: Colonial Times, Bible
November, math, LA, Break from Science,Art, History: Colonial Times, Bible
December: mostly basics and Christmas activities
Jan. math, LA, Science: Human Body, History: American Revolution/Constitution, Bible, Art
February: math, LA, Science: finish Human Body, History: same as Jan., Art, Bible,
March: math, LA, Break from Science, History: Westard Expansion, Art, Bible,
April: math , LA, Science: plants, History:?, art, Bible,

summer break!


Jessica said...

I think overall it's great! Is phonics instruction done? She's reading on her own? Wow, if so.

Is the science co-op in addition to the Animal work at home?

Other than that, I think it's great unless she indicates something needs to change.

:) Jessica

Sheryl said...


I appreciate you looking over this for me. We are finishing Sing Spell Read and Write 1st this year. I believe she is reading on a middle of second grade reading level. (based on books she can read from library and a teacher friend helping to evaluate for me.) So I just plan to have her read read read for first grade. The science co-op is one hour a week. She goes on Tues. to a Chrisian Private school that has homeschool classes. She will take art, music, science and history. At home we will attempt to cover animals, human body, and plants...but only do this on Fridays. And I hope to get nature study in as much as we can. I think science will link together own its own. Nature study see a catapillars..that kind of thing. Science is where I hope to be the most flexible. Thanks again for your help. Coming from you it means ALOT!

Wee Pip said...

Looks great! I think it looks very complete and enjoyable. And of course you reserve the right to change things, drop things, and freak out - that is just what seems to happen, even with the best of plans:)