December 3, 2007

A Look Back in Pictures

I have fallen behind on the weekly updates. The holidays are upon us and I can't stop making glitter ornaments and cookies to type so a week or two in pics should give a gimpse. We have been all over the place...Princess Poodle was in her first parade as a baton twirler..I love a small town parade! And she got to be the angel at our church's Hanging of the Green service. We have started learning about Crete and Anicient Greece. Triple H loved Theseus and the Minotaur and Princess Poodle loved the story of The Trojan Horse. We have been reading The Adventures of Odyessus; today we played make believe in the backyard. We blinded the cyclops, escaped the song of the spheres, got caught in a terrible storm sent by Posiden, and fought a six headed dragon to name a few things we did on our adventure. So much fun to reinforce this way!
Subjects all going nicely and I feel good about where we are mid year. So here's the pics enjoy and thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

Jennefer said...


Thanks for your encouragement on my blog. I appreciated it - especially on a day like today. Not a bad day necessarily, just a hard day.

I haven't been visiting many blogs lately with the busyness of the holidays so it was fun to stop by and catch up on all your recent posts. It looks like you guys are doing so well.

I was sad to hear about your dh's diagnosis. I will be lifting you all up as you deal with this new chapter in your lives.


PS I have not forgotten that you asked for a few recipes and I will try to get them to you soon. I am sorry it's taken me *so* long.