March 31, 2009

Change is annoying!

Do you ever wish things were settled? Lately nothing with us seems settled. The co-op Princess Poodle has been going to for two years is not going to work out next year. Its a long story as to why but basically after a visit I payed today I don't think it will be a fit for Triple H. And what we do has to fit both kids. Two kids that are vastly different not only in gender but personality. So the search is on for something else. Change is scary and my little girl cried today at the thought of it. She is like her Mommy in so many ways. I cried today because I had next year all planned out in my head including Tuesdays off for me since both kids would be in co-op from 9-2:30. Today I feel like Ive hit a wall. Compared to the stresses others are enduring my wall is probably more like one brick and not a whole wall of them, but still hitting a brick doesn't feel so great either. We are also going to be making some changes with church. This doesn't mean leaving the church we are at, but we will be pulling out of a program they have on Wed. night for the kids. This program is huge in Southern Baptist churches but its not working for us. So now I have two homeschooled kids that need some interaction with other kids, no co-op for next year, and no Wed. night children's program at church. Unsettled! I know God loves them and will be taking care of them and their needs but I just don't feel this right now. Is that ok to say? I hope so. Change stinks and I just want things to be settled for awhile. And that's all my venting for today.


Ali said...

My kids just prayed over me because since January, nothing has been normal! I feel like I'm running a marathon, uphill, dehydrated, in flip-flops, in get the picture. I'm glad you were honest...As I pray for myself I'll pray for you as well. "I think I can...I think I can..."

Heather Mattern said...

I am right there with you! I cant stand change and yet we seem to be stuck in it, you are in my prayers and please add us to yours! We are waiting to see what God is doing in our lives but I am not very good at it... the waiting!

Jennefer said...

Yep, change stinks. Change causes grieving...even good change. I know that God has something greater in store for you and your precious ones but in the meantime, ((((hugs)))) and lots of them.
