April 17, 2009

A Hodgepodge of a post

This week has been a week of trying to get back into reality. After a week devoted to a science fair project and then a week of spring break, we are a bit off kilter. We have hit math heavy this week, moving quickly through many of the easier lessons. We got back into our Writing with Ease and have a few more lessons to go in that curriculum. Princess Poodle has practice everyday this week adn next for her co-op's spring musical and that is keeping us on the road! Triple H is a mystery as one day he wants to do school and the next day doesn't care and is way too silly. I'm so glad I haven't felt the need to push him this year.
My pottery classes are about to start back and I'm excited and nervous. I haven't been on the wheel in four weeks and hope I haven't forgotten everything. Our garden is now complete with tomato plants, pepper plants, and dahlia bulbs; thanks to my two best friends. (Are you laughing Karrie?) My iris bed is planted and I want to add some lamb's ear for a silver touch. I have a growing interest in all things grown lately. (Can't imagine why..stop laughing Karrie!) I am also starting to play with painting and have a picture of a little girl I am dying to paint if I can ever find the time between the laundry and the homeshooling. (ok, go ahead and laugh Karrie, I deserve it!)
We have a few more weeks until our 4 week summer break in June. I am trying to talk hubby into taking a few days off to go to Charleston to visit my sister and then hit columbia to see an art exhibit that is coming there that I really want to see. It will have paintings from some of the great masters! I really want to go to Disney again, but seeing that we have no stimulus check coming like we did last year, I don't see that happening. I guess Mickey will have to do without me this year. I also need to finish planning our geograpy/world tour curriculum for next year.
This crazy posts sums up what has been going on with us lately. I'll post new garden pics soon.
Thanks for stopping by.
And please pardon the references to someone named Karrie. I just couldn't help myself and only she will know why.

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