April 23, 2009

I love the outdoors BUT...

I am an outdoor girl. I love having our garden and spent time there this evening teaching my kids the proper way to weed i.e. Don't pull up our dahlias that are just coming up!!! I tended to my iris bed and potted some plants for the back porch. I have dirt under my nails even after my shower and my nails are WAY short because of my pottery classes. I am taking Triple H to feed ducks tomorrow and I never feel as at peace as I do when outside. With all that said there are some things I hate about the outdoors. Two main things to be exact....mosquitoes and biting ants. I loathe them. They make living in shorts and barefeet misery at times. Well, as of this week I can now add a third bug to my hate list. No its not spiders, I kinda like them as long as they aren't black widows. (Spiders eat insects remember and remember I hate mosquitoes. Anyone guessed yet my new arch enemy?
I won't keep you in suspense any longer. TICKS! AGGGGHHHHHH. Just this week I have removed one from myself, two from Princess Poodle and one from Triple H. We have never had ticks before and my kids have been playing outdoors their whole lives. But for whatever reason, be it rainfall, or lack of harsh winters, or location; we have a tick problem and we don't have any animals! Unless you count backyard deer and turkey. Blast those beautiful white tail deer and proud looking turkeys!
I won't go running for the tv remote and computer screen. We must be outdoors. So I will have to find a way of dealing with the ticks. Right now my only line of defense is a nightly tick check of their entire bodies. And I do mean entire. Those ticks have a way of getting in some not so great places!
With summer fast approaching I guess I need to stock up on ant poison, bug spray with low deet, anti-itch creme, benedryl, citronella candles, and new tweezers. I'll just add all these along side the pool towels, sunscreen, popsicles, bubbles, and sidewalk chalk.

What a list!


Kim said...

Sounds like a good time for a little tick study. :) I have a feeling we will have the same problem as the days go on. Drats!!!

Ali said...

We have the same list! We are backed up to green space and have some really old trees that are amazing to climb! Kids love to come over and climb, but on their way out we're shouting, "Don't forget to check for ticks...Y'all come back now, ya hear!" We are also LOVING being outside!