April 27, 2008

A week of Goodbyes

This week is going to be a week of goodbyes. Tonight I must tell some dear friends goodbye as they journey far away to serve God as overseas missionaries. One of them I have had the joy of knowing for nearly 20 years..and most of those 20 years we have spent saying goodbye in one fashion or another. God has used him in many ways in my life and his spirit continues to be an inspiration and encouragement. The other is a new friend..but one of those friends you just kinda love from the start. A woman that I can laugh with, cry with, trust completely. There is not one ounce of selfishness, jealousy, bitterness, or mean spiritedness within her. That is a rare thing to find in a girlfriend..I know I sound harsh on women here but lets admit it..women can be the most difficult people to befriend. And so I must tell these sweet friends goodbye knowing I will not get to see them, hear their voices, or embrace them for at least the next two years. But this IS a good goodbye. I mean goodbye has "good" in it for a reason and I can think of nothing more good in a goodbye than getting to see them be obedient to God's call. I look forward to hearing of all that God will teach them and how He will use them in the coming years.

And this week I say goodbye to someone even dearer than these mentioned above. My Kindergarten girl..it is our last week of Kindergarten and after Friday I will have her as a Kindergartner no longer but as a First Grader..growing up so fast right before my eyes. I am so proud of her accomplishments this year. She reads well but more importantly loves to journey into a book. She has gone through many changes this year. I can see glimpses of the woman she will become. I so do not deserve this little angel. I don't deserve the passionate love she holds tenderly for me. I don't deserve her theological geared mind. How do I explain to a 6 year old why the blood Jesus shed was crucial in our salvation. I don't deserve the optimistic spirit she shares and fights for when I have allowed my own spirit to become way to negative in the last few years. I don't derserve her praise of me or her regard of me. But I guess we don't really deserve anything so good. Thats where Grace comes in. It sweeps down from heaven and by its might allows us to feel and know such love. And to know that God loves me even more than this little angel. The thought is overwhelming. So to my sweet little Kindergartner I say goodbye. You have been a joy to teach, a blessing to watch learn, and although I will miss this year and hold its memories in my heart; I look forward to all that next year holds for my bright-eyed,strong-willed, open-heartened Princess Poodle.

And lastly I have some goodbyes I want to say to some bad habits. Some things I have allowed to creep into my life that don't belong there. I know this won't be easy but this is one goodbye I want to say and say for good. So to those bad habits, those annnoying sins, those things about myself I detest at times...I will simply say as I pray for God's help.. Goodbye!

1 comment:

Jennefer said...

What a beautiful post! Your tender words for Princess Poodle are touching. No wonder she adores you!

I could very much relate to your last few sentences. Hope those things you *want* to say goodbye to get the idea and don't try and pop over for a visit! I cling to "The old is gone and the new has come!"

Blessings to you,