September 15, 2008

I Smell Like Tobacco and other thoughts

I smell like tobacco. I don't know why. It is baffling me. I have been to Snip-Its for Triple H to get his twice a year hair cut. We went to CHildren's Place for fall pants and tops on sale. We went through the drive in at Chickfillet for kids icecream cones. Where is the tobacoo smell coming from. It reminds me of one of those stores at the mall that sold pipes and old pictures of John Wayne and Clint Eastwood. I know because I bought such an Eastwood picture for my husband back when we were dating. I smell like a Tinder Box. Strange....And Princess Poodle just said that I smell yummy..even stranger!

Bugs...In science we are learning about insects. Today we painted butterflies, read about butterflies and moths and their differences, and watched a Magic School Bus and Bug City about the insects. Tonight we go moth hunting. All it takes is a big white sheet and a bright flashlight. Well really all it takes is a porch light but I'm trying to make this fun here. Keep that curiosity flowing.

School went much better today. I dropped the timed portion of our math drills. Such relief. The funny thing is I think she did them the fastest she has ever done and with no timer on. My sweet little girl..wished I had dropped the timer long ago.

In other school/Hazel"nut" life news: Brownies was a big hit. So is softball. But with everything plus church on Wed. night something has got to give. I keep telling myself that it is only for a few more weeks. If I have to pull into a fast food place one more time to feed my starving kids cause practice is at 5:30 and they don't want to eat much at 4 and I don't want to cook at 7 then I am going to scream. I think I even saw two little golden spikes coming out of Princess Poodles head the other day.. I THINK she is growing golden arches.

OH and to our delight Fall Break and Family Vacation is only 4 weeks away. YeaH!!! Disney world here we come.

Fieldtrip to a nature preserve with great animals later this weekend. Pictures to come! And hopefully I can write about Tales from the crypt..oh I mean from the sleep lab. I'm already a little spooked about spending the night there! They said to pack light..I hope that includes my big Bible, my torn copy of Pride and Prejudice and my cell phone!

Have a great day everyone!

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