September 16, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

Me..sick..very sick. After two trips to the ER, 4 shots, and a round of antibiotics plus a few weeks to forget this ordeal I finally felt I could make fun of myself and post this pic. DD6 took it while I was sick. And yes that is a frozen bag of corn on my head! lol...aren't I pretty? ha ha ha


OkinawaMama said...

I hope you feel better soon! Laura in VA


Oh my, I hope you are feeling better.

Anonymous said...

Bless your heart! Hope you feel better soon. Your are still pretty even when sick. :)

Z said...

Oh, dear. Feel better soon!

Skeller said...

Yikes - what a contrast to your sweet smiley face posted to the left. Surely hope you're on the mend!

Mama Peep said...

Oh dear! I hope you feel better soon.

Patricia in WA

Angela said...

I hope you're better soon!

Rhonda said...

Oh,dear. I hope you're doing much better now. What a good sport you are to post a pic when you're not at your best. :)

Lisa~ said...

Oh my gosh! Poor girl! Glad you are better... yuck!!

Happy WW~

Diane said...

Aww...well, you still look beautiful, even with corn on your head. :)

Lindsey said...

not many people can pull off putting a bag of corn on their heads and still looking decent. What a trooper you are to post

Meliss said...

I'm sorry that you were so sick! I wish I looked that good when I am sick. :)

Dangie said...

Oh no! Are you feeling better? Hope you will soon!

Bronwyn said...

Ack! I hope you're feeling back to normal now!

judahmo said...

I'm glad you feel better!