September 8, 2008

Photos and school update

My Serene little girl..something about this photo captivates me.
A sister-brother Hawaiian tea party...really that's what it was. These moments are so nice though not as often as I would like.

School Update: We are in Week Six of our new school year. So far the curriculum choices are a good fit. Get Ready for the Code and Get Set for the Code are great for Triple H because he can do them on his own with little to no instruction and this is nice for me. It is reinforcing his letter recognition and sounds and we are starting to work on reading three letter words. Today he read the word "big" all by himself. I also like Writing with Ease. Princess Poodle likes to hear the classic story excerpts and I like the open and go format. I am also using First Language Lessons for the well trained mind which I work in quite easily. Saxon 2 is a good fit. We are still in the review stage of the lessons but I think after too long of a summer the review is nice. Princess Poodle is getting the hang of adding two digit numbers with carrying and I'm so proud of her. She is also making progress in the ever dreaded math drill sheets.
We are on a break from history for one month so we can focus on science. I find it a little much to do these two subjects together so we have somewhat created a every other month rotation and it is working out nicely. Next year I may look into a science program or maybe not. I would like to do a couple of months on the human body and don't think we will get to that this year. I also want to hit the earth sciences sometime. I really need a long term plan but I work best from year to year. This week in science we are studying insects. We will talk about grasshoppers and crickets this week. Our science is pretty much a pieced together curriculum including Christian Liberty Nature Readers, some science spines, lots of library books, Magic School Bus videos, Animal Atlas videos, nature study and some experiments. Both the kids love their nature journals and take great pride in showing them off. I'll post some nature journal pics very soon.

Hope everyone is having a great school year.
Thanks for stopping by.


Ali said...

After I told you about the projector I thought, "Now, I bet she doesn't have one in the garage!" I would say check with your church, maybe your local library and I wonder if you could even borrow one from the school system. We have a lending library in Augusta that I would probably go to first. Do you have any place like that? Most school systems have teacher resource centers that would probably have one. In such an advanced culture it's funny how some things seem so "stone age." I think it would probably open up a lot of possibilities if you could get your hands on one. Let me know what you find...

The picture of your daughter is stunning. What a great shot!

I hope that helped! Have a great evening.

Ali said...

Also...I would love to peak at your schedule. This is our first, and pretty informal year for our oldest. We are using Language Lessons, Spelling Workout, Cuisenaire Rods and an Idea Book, Story of the World (which I'm still wavering on a little bit) and lots of books. We have a nature center that I'll be sort of using as science. Next year he'll actually be reported, he has a late birthday, and so I feel as though I'll bump it up a bit then. This year I'm learning how to manage everyone and everything! Have you posted your schedule in an earlier post? Thank you!