September 18, 2008

KIDS ARE GETTING OLDER :Caution: controversy ahead

I read an article today in a Christian parenting magazine. It was about something known as "age compression". It spoke of how 10 is the new 13. How kids are trading in their toys at age 6 for video games and celebrity icons. How children younger and younger are into fashion and want the latest trend in clothing.

I hope this post will not offend anyone that reads it. I seem to stand quite alone at times even in circles of believers on this topic. I do believe in age compression and I believe it is a scheme of Satan that is being led by the media and marketing divisions. The idea of kids getting older younger is even a marketing term they use to market older items/icons etc. to younger children. They are making 8 and 9 the preteen ages that were once 11 and 12.

So here are some rambling thoughts of mine. First Hannah Montana, High School Musical, etc. I have watched these (by myself) I have researched online as to their purity factor etc. Both of these rank high on Christian websites as good clean fun to watch. However, both of these shows/movies are about HIGHSCHOOLERS. I feel people seem to miss that. As good and clean as Hanna Mon. or Highschool musical are ...they contain boy/girl "love" relationships/crushes, they contain at times emphasis on clothing etc. And I don't believe even these things are bad..but they are not appropriate for a six year old, or five year old...they really should be for Preteen and preteen used to be 10-12 years old. And yet most parents meaning well, wanting to enjoy some time watching something good together have opened this preteen world to their very young girls. Could this be harmful? ? Could it led to a bedroom filled with pop-culture icons instead of ponies, stuffed animals, dolls or sports..maybe. I don't know. What I do know is that a mom recently told me that her 12 year old had outgrown Hannah Montana. What? What comes after that!! I think that these shows are good pure entertainment that is meant for the 9-12 year old group of girls. I'm truly not against them. But are we pushing age compression on our kids? Are we unwillingly setting them up to feel older than they are and thus lead to feelings of inadequacy, wanting to dress older... ( I chose these two Disney dynasties to talk about because they are in essence good. I won't even go into all the crud out there)

The article also talked about the age of video games and how this too is being pushed on kids to young. How there is danger with some kids that these video/computer gaming systems is taking the place of age appropriate toys and creativity. I thought about this alot to. Now he has a leapster and plays this on long trips in the van or at the doctors office. And I let him play educational computer games while I teach harder subjects to my dd for school. I have a blog. I'm not a technophobic. But there has to be a limit. My 4 year old son wants a WII for Christmas..he played it at a friends house. He won't get it. Not because its bad, not because I can't be disciplined and limit his time on it..but because it isn't necessary. He is four and he can play with cars, balls, trains, action figures, and well DIRT. So I guess my kids might be slightly disappointed this Christmas.

Halloween is approaching and I am so thankful that my 7 year old will be wearing a princess costume that she chose because she loves it. Already I love to see her twirling in it. And that my 4 year old will be Peter Pan complete with swashbuckling dagger he totes around the house. I am thankful that I don't have to buy one of those blonde Hannah least not for a few more years.

What are your thoughts on age compression? I welcome them . I know we all have different views on society, culture etc. I am just one brainstorming mom that wants to fight in the battle to protect my kids. Sometimes I may be too extreme and make mistakes..other times I might be right on. Its a journey and I'm learning as I go.


Anonymous said...

I totally agree! It's been frusrtating, maybe even confusing to me, when we visit our friends(Christians)and their plan for the little ones is to watch "High School Musical". We try to be with our kids during "play dates" and such so we can help monitor what they are viewing, or what they are exposed to. We don't feel this is being over protective....I call it wise parenting or pro active parenting. Though I must confess-we do have a wii-I need to discipline myself more in that area. Thanks for sharing on your blog!!

Ali said...

I've written and erased twice because I've rambled, what I mean to say is that I'm with you! I have complained to my husband over and over about the age compression. I feel like it's my God given task to be sure my children get a childhood. I could go on and did a great job explaining that. You are not alone.

judahmo said...

Wow! I came here to view your WW picture and was engaged by this "hot topic". Thanks for posting your thoughts on this. It is refreshing to read a thoughtful opinion on this. I do not have any daughters, so I am spared the whole HM and HSM drama, but we have many friends whose very young daughters are into both of these pop culture phenomena. Sadly, I'm sure someone will come up with what they feel is a brilliant idea to try to steal my boy's childhood from him too.
Good luck!

Anonymous said...

sheryl, i have an email in progress for you... but wanted to just say how much I enjoy your blog and your thoughts. thanks for sharing your heart - it touches mine. I am blessed every time I drop in for a 'visit' here. I'll get that email out to you soon. Miss you.

Kristina said...

Bravo! Well said! I found your web site on the WTM board and came to look at your American History info. This was a lovely find!

I agree with every word. As the mother of two boys (5.5 and 2.5) and one daughter (4), I am dismayed by the rush through childhood. My kids play with wooden blocks, Matchbox cars, Schleich animals and people, their swingset and, yes, dirt! They have a 8x8 sandbox and a jungle gym in the back yard and those are their favorite toys. We listen to Burl Ives, Elizabeth Mitchell, classical music, etc. and no pop music. Like you, I'm not a technophobe and my kids have Leapsters but won't get a video game (and don't really know they exist so far!). I'm happy to say my kids would rather play with their blocks and sandbox than their Leapster 99% of the time! You only have one chance to have a magical childhood. Kids have the rest of their lives to live the drama of adulthood!

One of my good friends lets her 2 and 4 year old daughter watch High School Musical (and similar) and listen to pop music and, maybe even worse, watch the nightly news! What are we doing to our kids?!

Sorry this is a novel but I do so want you to know that there are like-minded people out there!

Anonymous said...

Sheryl I enjoyed my recent visit to your site..keep up the excellence as a teacher, mom, wife, daughter, sister, sister in the Lord, all around person...etc, I am so proud to call you daughter. I too believe you are right on target with the age compression idea...most parents are just blind to it. Mom